Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Downloading the Movies and the TV Shows is not a Crime

Question: Discuss about the Article for Downloading the Movies and the TV Shows is not a Crime. Answer: Introduction Ethics has been defined to set the moral values and the principles which can easily govern the conducts of a particular individual or the group. For this, there is a need to properly analyse the different concepts of the ethics in the IT development. The focus has been on understanding the speed and scale of greater information which can easily store or retrieve the information at any scale. There have been complexity where there is a focus on the privacy, property, accuracy and the accessibility of the system. The privacy has been closely set to the data security where there is a need to handle the unauthorised access which attacks our system. (Makela et al., 2016). The measurements are based on handling the IT security of the system with the hold of the different imperative issues. The security is mainly for managing the cross functionality in the organisation with the setup of the enterprise issue. The enterprise security management encompasses the different variety of the security which relates to handling the copyright crackdown. In Australia, there is a possibility that the downloaders are sued for the infringement of the copyright where no laws have been administered to watch the content for a particular individual usage. Ethical Theory relative to the Media article The theory is relating to the consequence based pattern where the focus has been on the morality to hold the different outcomes of a particular action form. This is based on different judgements with morals to take hold of the conducts based on the ultimate base of the judgement about whether the particular conduct is correct or wrong. This has been focusing on the rules and the moral duty which is able to remarkable set and promote the benefits based on the consequentialism factor. (Schulz et al., 2015). The ethical theory visions for setting up a strategic framework which is able to recognise the different personal and corporate issues. The intellectual property includes the software as well as the data, where the information has a key resource to safeguard the integrity of the information. There have been growing opportunity to misuse the ICT with the advancements in the ICT. This cause the organisation to take into account all the established values and the code of practices including the privacy and confidentiality. Doing Ethics Technique The factors related to the copyright breakdown for downloading, are related to the breach of the security and the privacy. (Kavathatzopoulous, 2015). The Australian government has completely indicated a stronger support for the introduction of the legislation which is anticipated through the definite legal obligations. Some of the questions, one need to hover on are: What has been the issues relating to the accessibility? At the time of downloading, there are issues relating to the accessibility of the disabled users who are easily able to surf the websites that are incompatible. Also it depletes the actual copyright of the movie or the TV show. Hence, it is always recommended to buy the original versions of the disks. What are the Facts and events related to the ethical issues? The major focus has been on handling the ICT problems which are relative to the subscriptions and the other business model. As per the analysis of the article, it has been seen that downloading is very common in Australian and the people prefer to download the copyright versions. There have been versions to set the transitions of the subscription and the service. Who all are affected by the breach of the data? The Australians seems to be affected a lot by this as they will have to make sure about the management of the content and the TV shows they are producing. Also, there is a need to handle the ISP provider who shares the details of the system. It is important to handle the needs of the people with a higher level of integrity of to protect the breach of data. Steps and the measures taken to ignore it? The major remedy that is seen is to handle the current legislation for the different content procedures as well as the owners to pursue individuals in the civil courts. There are certain record labels and the movie studios who are able to suit their customers with the ISP like the Telstra, Optus and other to reveal the identity of the people who are downloading illegally. Consequence of the scenario? The downloaders can easily be sued by the different copyright holders with the order to pay for breaching the right of the holders. The relative legislation has been the Australian Copyright Act which crafts to outlaw the smuggling of all the goods which are pirated. (Shin, 2015). To handle the damage, it is important to set the flagrant infringements which are set under the deterrent message and which needs to be sent with certain statutory damages. What is the best option for this? There is a need to work on the research with the downloading of the different copyright infringements. This is mainly to handle the effective ways to discourage the people from the privacy and help them to download all from the reliable links. Conclusion The information communication technology is based on handling the concerns related to the data protection and the personal privacy. For this, there is a need to take hold of the user responsibility with secure acceptable access to the software license and the piracy. A better policy of ICT follows the associated issues which are important to be dealt for the technological advancements. The organization needs to hold the responsibility which set to use the ICT as well as provide better support to consider and examine how the reports are treated. This is important to analyze and consider the public decisions and actions which are worthy depending upon the ICT professional system. References Makela, J. P., Sampson, J. P. (2016). Ethical Issues Associated with Information and Communication Technology in Counseling and Guidance.International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance,14(1). Schulz, R., Isabwe, G. M., Reichert, F. (2015, August). Ethical issues of gamified ICT tools for higher education. Ine-Learning, e-Management and e-Services (IC3e), 2015 IEEE Conference on(pp. 27-31). IEEE. Kavathatzopoulos, I. (2015). CEST-Center for Ethics, Sustainability, and Technology. Shin, S. K. (2015). Teaching critical, ethical and safe use of ICT in pre-service teacher education.Language Learning and Technology,19(1), 181-197.

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